Unlock the Power Within: Become an Elite Coach for Women and Transform Lives with the Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass

Unlock the Power Within: Become an Elite Coach for Women and Transform Lives with the Woman-Centered Coaching Masterclass

If you’re a coach, practitioner, helping or healing professional, consultant, or someone who works directly with women…I have a huge, exclusive opportunity for you!

Dr. Claire Zammit, the world’s preeminent expert on coaching women, is leading a FREE LIVE WORKSHOP SERIES where she’s going to share her Woman-Centered Coaching Blueprint. 

What you’ll learn in these sessions will give you the power to unlock deep, rapid, and lasting results for your female clients.

Over 2 million women have participated in Claire’s trainings…because she knows what works to create extraordinary results!

YOU’RE INVITED: Sign up for Dr. Claire Zammit’s FREE WORKSHOP SERIES to get the Women-Centered Coaching Blueprint to Unlock Extraordinary Results with Your Female Clients 

 Go here to claim your spot right away!

If you don’t know Claire’s story, it’s pretty remarkable.

She made a groundbreaking discovery in her own work and doctoral research that uncovered the hidden blocks to women’s power and success —and developed these insights into a unique methodology to get deep, rapid results coaching women.

As a result of the effectiveness of her method—and the extraordinary results it was producing—she quickly became one of the most in-demand coaches, working with 60,000 clients in her paid programs and generating close to 100 million dollars in her business.

She’s distilled her method into a clear blueprint… and she’s going to teach it to you.

Her brand-new series of 3 LIVE workshops– which you are invited to attend for free – is packed with the same quality and teachings as her professional certifications:

This free training is for Coaches, Therapists, Healing & Helping Professionals, Consultants, Course Creators, and Anyone Who Works with Women!

You’ll get Claire’s most VALUABLE and ACTIONABLE insights that you can implement immediately to elevate your results in your existing work with women:

  • In Workshop 1: The Woman-Centered Coaching Revolution 

You’ll discover the highlights of Claire’s groundbreaking research findings and the radical shifts you need to make in your work with female clients to unlock extraordinary results.

  • In Workshop 2: Breaking Through Hidden Barriers

You’ll find out how to rapidly identify and remove your female clients’ hidden barriers to wealth, love, health, confidence, visibility, purpose, leadership, impact and more.

  • In Workshop 3: The Woman-Centered Coaching Blueprint 

Claire will walk you through the 5 Steps of her proven method, which you can incorporate into your existing work with clients.

The shifts that you’re going to discover in this training are the key to elevating the results you create and directly lead to: 

✅ Increasing your rates & generating real income

✅ Maintaining a stream of steady referrals & repeat clients

✅ Recognition as the go-to expert in your field 

Greater impact with the work you were born to do

Coaches trained in the blueprint Claire teaches frequently report being able to facilitate a year’s worth of growth in a single session!

You can’t afford not to learn Claire’s secrets for working with women, who make up a staggering 70% of clients in the 20-billion-dollar coaching and life-long learning industry.

So, if you’re ready to take the first step towards becoming one of these elite coaches, the introductory training on Dr. Claire Zammit’s Woman-Centered Coaching Method is perfect for you. In this training, you’ll discover the core principles and practices of Woman-Centered Coaching and dive into key methodologies that have been proven to break through women’s blocks and unleash their highest potentials.

Go here to register for Dr. Claire Zammit’s FREE Woman-Centered Coaching Blueprint workshop series

Live long, love life and be well.


PS: **IMPORTANT: This is a high-value, rare, and extremely limited-time opportunity:

Dr. Claire Zammit’s Woman-Centered Coaching Blueprint is something that you usually need to invest thousands of dollars to get trained in, but this year, Claire is teaching it in a free, LIVE Workshop Series as she wants to pass on this revolutionary method to as many coaches, practitioners, and change-makers as possible.

The workshops will be incredible—and she’s even going to be answering questions live!

So you need to act now and claim your spot!

Go here to learn more.

More About Claire Zammit

Dr. Claire Zammit Ph.D., is an expert transformational teacher, leader, mentor and successful conscious entrepreneur. Her mission is to empower women to fully express their gifts and talents by sharing the Feminine Power teachings that she created and that she credits as the source of her own fulfillment, success and impact.

She is the founder of the Feminine Power Global Community, which offers online trainings, advanced courses and coaching, facilitation and leadership certifications that serve hundreds of thousands of women from more than 100 countries across Asia, Europe, South America and the US. The women in this community are coaches, mothers, artists, leaders, teachers, authors, engineers, therapists, doctors, lawyers, judges, performers, scientists, entrepreneurs, producers and more.

Claire is also the co-founder and president of Evolving Wisdom, which was recognized by Inc. Magazine as #83 on the list of Top 500 fastest-growing companies in America. Faculty and guest faculty include renowned transformational teachers Neale Donald Walsch, Dr. Jean Houston, Dr. John Gray, Eckhart Tolle, and Marianne Williamson.

Since 2009, Claire’s work with Feminine Power and Evolving Wisdom has reached more than 1 million people. In addition to her teaching work in the Feminine Power courses, Claire has shared the stage with such luminaries as Elizabeth Gilbert, Brené Brown, Eve Ensler, Alanis Morissette, Marianne Williamson, Marci Shimoff, Neale Donald Walsch, Gabrielle Bernstein and Lisa Nichols.

In 2014, Claire received the Just Like My Child Foundation’s Women’s Leadership Award in recognition of her contributions to funding The Girl Power Project that’s now set to impact over 1 million girls with leadership and self-esteem trainings in the developing world.

Claire is an active member of Jack Canfield’s prestigious Transformational Leadership Council and was the recipient of its achievement award, and she is also a participant in the Evolutionary Leaders Forum.

In 2017 Claire was awarded her Ph.D.in Transformative Learning & Change from the California Institute of Integral Studies after completing her decade long dissertation research project on women, power & self-actualization.