Unlock What Your Feelings of Anxiety, Depression, Guilt, Shame, and Fear Are Telling You

Unlock What Your Feelings of Anxiety, Depression, Guilt, Shame, and Fear Are Telling You

You might be abandoning yourself physically.

I know that you’re aware by now that eating too much sugar or processed foods doesn’t nourish your body. But I want to tell you about how that’s related to your painful feelings.

Research has now proven that an imbalanced, toxic gut causes toxicity in the brain, which can result in anxiety and depression.

When you abandon yourself by eating sugar and factory-farmed and processed foods, as well as taking various drugs, you deplete your beneficial intestinal bacteria while feeding the opportunistic toxic bacteria.

The toxicity in your gut then goes through the vagus nerve into the brain, which can cause anxiety, depression, and other brain disorders.

When you eat what’s good for your unique body, you’re being loving to yourself physically. At the same time, you’re already one step closer to healing painful feelings like anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, emptiness, and jealousy.

If you want to understand more about your painful feelings and how to break out of your unhealthy habits, I invite you to read a new ebook called What Your Feelings of Anxiety, Depression, Guilt, Shame, and Fear Are Telling You, written by Dr. Margaret Paul, best-selling author and co-creator of Inner Bonding.

In this ebook, you’ll uncover:

  • What anxiety is telling you
  • How you may be abandoning yourself emotionally, physically, and relationally
  • The different causes of anxiety
  • What depression is telling you
  • The various causes of depression
  • What guilt and shame are telling you
  • How to lovingly manage the existential pain of life
  • … and much more!

Go here to grab your FREE ebook copy

You probably already know Margaret from the wonderful work she’s been doing for many years, but in case you haven’t heard of her yet, allow me to introduce her:

Dr. Margaret Paul is the co-creator of Inner Bonding® and author/co-author of several best-selling books, including Do I Have To Give Up Me to Be Loved By You? which sold over one million copies worldwide, and has been used in numerous college psychology classes.

She holds a PhD in psychology and is a relationship expert, noted public speaker, workshop leader, educator, consultant, and artist. She has also appeared on many radio and TV shows, including the Oprah show. She has successfully worked with thousands of individuals, couples, and business relationships and taught classes and seminars since 1967.

She continues to access spiritual guidance during her sessions with individuals and couples, allowing her to work with people wherever they are in the world.

And good news – Margaret is sharing her new ebook with you completely free!

Go here to grab your FREE ebook copy

No time to read a big book? You can get through the whole thing in about 30 minutes so I encourage you to do it now.

Understanding your feelings and loving yourself can allow you to enjoy good health in mind, body, and spirit. Living the life you’ve always dreamed of is within your reach.

Reading the What Your Feelings of Anxiety, Depression, Guilt, Shame, and Fear Are Telling You ebook is your first step to make it happen!

Click here to access your free copy now (available for a limited time)

Live long, love life and be well!


P.S. Dr. Margaret will also be inviting you to her online webinar and I recommend you save one hour to attend. It’s called 3 Secrets to Loving Yourself and Others and it goes hand-in-hand with the ebook.

You’d definitely want to make time to attend that free online webinar. You’ll get the opportunity to reserve your seat for it once you get the ebook.

Grab the ebook and webinar now!

Inner Bonding and its 6-Steps seems to be changing my life about as dramatically as it was changed when I first began to pursue the 12-Steps of Recovery. It is influencing how I spend my time and whether I feel that an activity is actually “worth” my energy or would rather put my time on something different. People who know me remark that “something is different.” People who talk to me on the phone say there is a level of excitement in my voice they haven’t heard before. I know that this is just a beginning for me.

~ Marti Neal, Psychotherapist
Salem, Indiana