Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for Positivity, Healing & Successful Manifestation

While we go about our lives setting good intentions, making plans, mapping out our goals, and determinedly stepping in directions we desire, obstacles inevitably appear in our path.

We find ourselves in yet another unsuitable job or relationship, we get sick, gain back the weight we lost, reexperience financial trouble, or despite attempts to “be positive,” slip back into depression and anxiety.

That’s because despite our best efforts, our subconscious mind holds the imprints of past traumas and unbeneficial beliefs and behavioral patterns, which have created well-worn neural pathways — like the grooves in a railroad track — and keep us unconsciously riding a train we’ve consciously disembarked.

The good news is that you have the power to reprogram your subconscious mind to create new neural pathways as well as generate beneficial biophotons (subtle energy carriers) that can help you arrive at your desired “destination” — a happy, healthy, fulfilling life.

On Wednesday, August 25, in a truly eye-opening hour with world-renowned mind/body energy expert Brandy Gillmore, you’ll discover how simple yet powerful practices that interrupt or redirect negative thoughts can liberate you from their undesired trickle-down effects.

You can register here for Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for Positivity, Healing & Successful Manifestation: How to Form New Neural Pathways That Override Self-Limiting Patterns & Create Lasting Change.

In this profound online workshop, you’ll:

  • Discover how to reprogram your subconscious mind by changing your thoughts to break out of behavioral patterns preventing you from manifesting your desires
  • Learn how intensifying positive emotions generates beneficial biophotons (subtle energy carriers) that help form new neural pathways
  • Discover how you can manifest without trying by shifting the core energy generated by your subconscious instead of relying on the transmission energy created by your conscious mind
  • Learn tips for assessing your Mind-Body-Soul Needs Profile — and how understanding it can provide life-changing insights into how to move forward in life
  • Experience a Sensory Interrupt Technique to shift a negative thought and the difficult emotion it carries and liberate yourself from its negative energy — to feel the calm and ease possible in reprogramming your subconscious

This is an opportunity to begin to learn simple, yet highly transformative techniques to change the nature of your subconscious mind — and life — in profound and lasting ways.

You can RSVP for free here.

Live long, love life and be well!


P.S. In Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for Positivity, Healing & Successful Manifestation: How to Form New Neural Pathways That Override Self-Limiting Patterns & Create Lasting Change you’ll reprogram your subconscious mind with a Sensory Interrupt Technique to shift a negative thought and liberate yourself from its difficult emotion — to feel the calm, ease, and upliftment of positive energy.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

About Brandy Gillmore

Brandy Gillmore, PhD in natural medicine, is a world-renowned mind/body energy expert who is well known for her discoveries in self-healing and working with the power of the mind to get tangible results. Her breakthrough work has been featured in an award-winning documentary and various docuseries. Brandy speaks on stages around the world and has also given a mind-expanding TEDx talk. See below.

Brandy’s expertise in self-healing originated from her own devastating accident that left her disabled and living in excruciating pain despite being on multiple medications, including morphine. On a good day she could get around using a wheelchair, cane, or walker, and on a bad day she didn’t make it out of bed. Her injury left her debilitated for almost seven years.

When doctors told Brandy there was nothing they could do, she became determined to find a solution. The success of placebos was proof that our minds did “somehow” have the ability to heal, and Brandy was determined to figure out how. After  years of trial and error, she was able to make incredible discoveries with the mind that ultimately enabled her to heal herself. Today she uses these same discoveries to help others also get radical life-changing results.

After Brandy’s recovery, an additional phenomenon occurred. She developed a “special gift” — the ability to feel what others are feeling. This incredible ability has provided her with unique insight into helping others heal.

Today, Brandy works with top celebrities, Olympic athletes, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and groups worldwide sharing her leading-edge discoveries. Her goal is to help advance traditional research to bridge the gap between science and spirituality.