Quantum Breakthrough Masterclass: Join Spiritual Luminary Rikka Zimmerman for a Life-Changing Livestream Event

I have a powerful Livestream Activation to share with you hosted by Global Leader In Consciousness Rikka Zimmerman. If you have not heard of Rikka, you will be happy I introduced you! This Angel on earth has literally transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of souls on this planet.

Really, her work here on earth is truly angelic.

And so may I ask you?

Have you ever wondered why certain patterns keep repeating in your life? Or why, no matter how much you grow, some challenges keep coming back?

You can dive deep into these questions with Rikka during her brand-new Livestream gathering happening June 25th at 6pm PT.

Rikka has spent the last 18 years helping people uncover the most common beliefs that hold them back in the 4 main aspects of life; your relationship with yourself, money, your body and your relationships with others.

I encourage you to reserve your spot for this FREE Livestream Activation called Liberation Roadmap happening Tuesday, June 25th at 6pm PT.

Go HERE to registers today.

During this intimate and powerful livestream, you will:

  • Explore the Depths of Human Consciousness: Learn how different levels dictate your reactions and realities.
  • Break Free from Old Cycles: Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to overcome repeating patterns.
  • Align Your Energy: Participate in an activation designed to help you align with your highest potential.

This is your moment to connect the dots between your recurring life patterns and the levels of consciousness that underpin them. More importantly, you’ll learn how to adjust your path to lead a truly transformed life.

Click Here to Reserve Your Seat! 

Embark on this journey and unlock the doors to a life you’ve always dreamed of—free from old patterns and filled with infinite possibilities.

Live long, love life and be well.


P.S. Propelled by her unbounded love for humanity, Global Leader In Consciousness Rikka Zimmerman has spent the last 18 years traveling the world, working with over 200,000 beings on the planet as her soul’s mission to return humanity to love.

Her clients and all beings who experience her, encounter radical transformation through her powerful channelings of the Angels and Source, using her 6 Principles tools & processes.

More About Rikka Zimmerman

Rikka is a global leader in consciousness, the creator of Adventure In Oneness, acclaimed international speaker, author, singer and songwriter.

Here are some bullet points about some of her speaking credentials.

  • Founder/CEO of Life Transformed University  a 10 million dollar company that has worked with over 150,000 people around the world including Australia, Germany, Mexico, India and South Africa.
  • Certified 220 coaches in her proprietary methodology who scale Rikka’s work into a variety of industries including healthcare, non-profits, business, and personal development.
  • Social Media Influencer = 68,811 on Facebook, 5,062 on You Tube, 3,848 on Twitter, 1,630 on Instagram.
  • Speaking at such venues as Conscious Life Expo, MindBodySpirt, Sage Levine’s Women Rocking Business, Panache Desai’s Global Gathering.
  • Frequent media resource for publications such as 3x cover for Living Now Magazine, Conscious Journal, Holistic Bliss and featured in Awakenings.
  • Shared stages or online summits with Wayne Dyer, Michael Beckwith, Lynn McTaggert, Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson, John Assaraf.
  • Member of Associated Transformational Leaders (members include Jack Canfield, Dave Asprey of Bulletproof Coffee, Vishen Lakahani of MindValley.)
  • Award-winning songwriter/singer whose album “The Miracle” debuted in top 20 albums on i-Tunes and nominated for a POSI award.
  • Member of the Unicorn Club, the top 2% in Women in Business earning 7 figures/annually.
  • As a survivor of Stage 4 Cancer, is a walking-talking role model of the importance of tapping into source energy and its healing powers.