7 Days. 7 Life Changing Products. Free Package

Week long HUGE SALE, including free sessions to revolutionize your life!

The clock is officially ticking.

I can’t stress enough how much I want you to catch this wave of transformation.

When the window of opportunity is this narrow, every second counts!

​GO HERE to get your powerful 5 Life-Changing Sessions.​

Why the urgency?

You have just 7 days starting now to dive into game-changing personal healing…

Delivering the most profound transformational sessions from Celebrated Energy Mediince Healer Jennifer McLean.

We’re talking 5 complete, single sessions, each from a different, life-altering product.

Each of these products is part of the exclusive Out-of-The-Vault Sale that is also happening this week.

Imagine a week-long transformation with distinct products designed to revolutionize your life from a globally renowned healer.

​Now’s the time to seize the healing.​

​GO HERE to get your powerful 5 Life-Changing Sessions.​

These free sessions aren’t a taste test or a bite-sized teaser; these are full sessions designed to bring you radical shifts in energy, mindset, and spirit.

And, just to be clear, each one of these sessions could be the key to unlocking that one thing you’ve been yearning for.

It’s here to help you shift into newfound financial freedom, inner peace, or a sense of life purpose that you can feel in your bones.

We know the sheer power that these sessions hold, and we’re confident that you’ll find the transformation as astonishing as we do.

​It’s a no-strings-attached gift from us to you.​

Not only is this a sale, but it’s also a seven-day journey to a new you from this free package.

Remember, this entire experience is a precursor to the Out-of-The-Vault Sale: Seven days. Seven life-changing products.

But for now, this is about you sampling the power of transformative healing risk-free.

​Dive deep. Soak it all in.

Live long, love life and be well.


P.S. Let this be your call to action, your nudge to take the plunge. And if you find these sessions as extraordinary as I believe you will, keep an eye out for what comes next. I promise it’s going to shift your physical, emotional, and functional circumstances. GO HERE now to access your  5 sessions over 7 days.

More About Jennifer McLean

Jennifer McLean is an internationally acclaimed Healer, Author, Speaker, Edge Pusher, and Transformational Change Agent. She is the creator of the renowned healing accelerant: “The Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT),” that delivers instant transformation and healing.

For more than two decades, this innovative healing modality has helped tens of thousands of individuals shift held energy in the body. Individuals have been able to liberate themselves from old hurts, and patterns of obstacles that lead to disease and upset, and create new neural pathways and patterns of Quantum Wholeness. With almost 1000 STT Practitioners in this unique system, it is quickly becoming a “go to” for creating real change in extreme times.

She has also discovered the Soul Power Formula, the most powerful and proven method for connecting in, and receiving direct insights, inspirations and impulses from the soul. Your soul-powered life now activates life changing renewal, ease, peace, calm and power…. for real health wellness and prosperity.

Jennifer has co-taught programs offering the healing component to workshops and programs with renowned thought leader Marianne Williamson, and multiple New York Time bestselling author and near death survivor Anita Moorjani, as well as Conversations With God creator Neale Donald Walsch, and was invited to teach on The Shift Network.

She came into this industry hosting the original, largest, and most renowned online summit; Healing With The Masters, reaching over 1 million souls over 17 seasons. She now focuses her full time attention delivering her healing and psychic gifts.

Jennifer has appeared on FOX, ABC, CBS, and online summits and is covered in renowned media publications. STT and other healing philosophies are covered in her 5 best selling books and dozens of online healing programs.