NEW! “What’s Your Miracle Superpower” QUIZ

If there’s ONE thing that you could change in your life right now…what would it be?

Better health?

More abundance?

Less stress?

A more fulfilling career?

A deeply loving relationship?

Well, that’s EXACTLY what I want for you too! In fact, I want you to have real miracles!

If you’re feeling stuck, or you’re struggling, or you just want to welcome more good into your life, you NEED to take the Miracle Superpower QUIZ from two thought leaders at Your Year of Miracles, internationally bestselling authors and transformation experts, Marci Shimoff (from The Secret and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul) and Dr. Sue Morter (The Energy Codes and founder of The Morter Institute).

Want to know what your  Miracle Superpower is? Find out HERE!

More than 124,000 people have taken this QUIZ and what many didn’t realize is that there are 5 DIFFERENT Miracle Superpowers that allow miracles to flow more freely into your life.

And everyone does that a little bit differently.

Some turn inward, others reach out to connect with like-minded people. Some need to be relaxed in nature, others need to be taking action.

Consciously knowing your superpower means you can lean in and do more of what brings miracles into your life.

And you can also learn to AVOID the Shadow Side of your superpower, where you’re unconsciously BLOCKING the exact things you want from coming into your life.

The quiz is free and easy and takes just 2 minutes – and you’ll receive a custom report on YOUR superpower plus common miracle blockers for your type.

It’s truly eye-opening!

Take the Quiz NOW to discover your Miracle Superpower + Blockers!

Live long, love life and be well!


P.S. Now is the perfect time to dive deeply into this! Forget setting New Year’s Resolutions… activating your Miracle Superpower is way more fun and the results can be life-changing. I can’t wait for you to find out what YOUR Miracle Superpower is!

P.P.S. For a very limited time, after you take the quiz, you’ll also have the rare opportunity to join a free Miracles Masterclass where you can raise your hand and ask your questions live! This is the perfect way to take your Miracle Superpower and run with it. Don’t skip this part! (Save your seat for free after you take the quiz.)

What’s YOUR Miracle Superpower?

2024 UPDATE: Your Year of Miracles now has a downloadable eBook: The 4 Biggest Mistakes that Keep You From Living a Miraculous Life, a new Miracle Superpower Quiz, a new Audio Meditation: Miracle Activation for Power, and a new Masterclass: The 3 Secrets to a Life Filled with Miracles. Click the titles to learn more.