Mary Morrissey® Training
Mary Morrissey’s 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money
Mary Morrissey’s newest program, 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money is an online program that explores each of the core principles for creating wealth and how to apply them to your own life. It shows exactly how to transform your dreams into your reality, step by step.
This program is designed to help you create a specific vision for the results you want, discover how to identify and remove abundance blocks that can prevent you from multiplying your money, and allow for more flow in their lives by practicing forgiveness and applying gratitude to their daily routines.
Mary introduces the concepts and content of 8 Spiritual Secrets for Multiplying Your Money with several free offers. Click the titles to learn more.
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Mary Morrissey’s DreamBuilder® Program
Do you live life by default… or by design?
Living by DEFAULT means that you don’t have any specific dreams for your future… and so, you just kind of float through life and let things happen to you.
Living by DESIGN means that you know exactly who you are (your purpose) and what you want for your future (your dreams)… you have a plan to get to your destination, and you take consistent action on it.
While living by default is a recipe for mediocrity and dissatisfaction, living by design is what makes you feel truly ALIVE!
To discover how to design a life you love and FAST, I highly recommend Mary Morrissey’s AMAZING DreamBuilder® Program
The DreamBuilder® Program is the PROVEN 12-week system that top transformational teacher Mary Morrissey uses to guide you through exactly how to design a life you absolutely LOVE… and then to actually STEP INTO that life!
This program has already impacted the lives of thousands of people around the world… and now, Mary would like to share it with you
Mary’s thousands of DreamBuilder® Program success stories are proof that this system contains the power to help you transform your health, relationship, career and level of time & money freedom. Here’s the link to learn more: DreamBuilder® Program
My Morning Mentor
Mary Morrissey® FREE Video Course! How to Get Focused, Stay on Track and Gain Unwavering Momentum to Pursue Your Dream
Do You Have An Unfulfilled Dream For Your Life?
A Dream That Seems More Illusive Over Time
Then You Will Love This FREE Video Course on Supercharging YOUR Dream
Mary Morrissey’s FREE Video Course To Supercharge Your Dreams
How to Get Focused, Stay on Track and Gain Unwavering Momentum to Pursue Your Dream!
Learn more here: My Morning Mentor
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The Power of Purpose Guided Meditation
Have You Ever Wondered, “What Is My Purpose?” or “What Was I Put Here on Earth to Do?”
Your “Still, Small Voice Within” Whispers to You in Subtle Ways That You May Not Even Recognize
Tune Into Your “Still, Small Voice Within” in Just 10 Minutes with this FREE Guided Meditation from Mary Morrissey
Many People Have Found It Difficult to Tune Into Their Inner Voice… Until Now
Introducing the “Developing The Mastery Of Intention” Guided Meditation Audio. Tune Into Your “Still, Small Voice Within” in Just 10 Minutes with this FREE Guided Meditation from Mary Morrissey
Learn more here: The Power of Purpose Free Guided Meditation
Learn How to Stop Procrastinating, Get Unstuck and Live the Life of Your Dreams
3 Surefire Procrastination Buster Secrets Revealed
- How your thoughts actually predict the course of your life and limit your ability to go after your dream, and how to shift your thoughts toward success and away from doubt.
- The hidden reason you’re sabotaging your dream and keeping your life “smaller” than it can be, and how to instantly expand your ability to be creative, happy and successful.
- Three simple and effective mental strategies to overcome doubt, fear and excuses and consistently move in the direction of your dream.
Learn more here: Stronger Than Circumstances
FREE ACCESS: “Unlocking Your 6 Extraordinary Superpowers” Webinar by Mary Morrissey
At a very early age, we are taught that we have 5 senses – taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing.
Most of us grow up believing that these are the only senses we have to work with when it comes to making sense of the world, and creating the results we desire in life.
But this couldn’t be further from the truth!
According to Mary, in addition to our 5 senses, each one of us is actually born with 6 invisible superpowers that work on an energetic level to help shape our reality.
Unfortunately, most of us are UNAWARE of what these 6 superpowers are. We use them daily, but often UNCONSCIOUSLY… and when we do this, we generate a lot of unnecessary stress, scarcity and struggle in life.
But, once you learn how to CONSCIOUSLY harness these superpowers, your relationships, career, business, health and all other areas of your life will transform with lightening speed!
To find out more about how to unlock your 6 invisible superpowers…
Click here to register for Mary’s FREE Unlocking Your 6 Extraordinary Superpowers workshop >>>>FREE WORKSHOP
FREE QUIZ: What’s Your #1 Invisible Superpower?
To discover what these 6 invisible superpowers are, including the superpower that YOU express most fully…
Take the FREE 60-Second Superpower Assessment, and Find Out! #INTO YOUR GENIUS
The quiz is a companion to Mary Morrissey’s training Your Genius – Unlocking Your 6 Extraordinary Superpowers and provides unique insights into which of the superpowers is your strongest.
FREE E-BOOK: The Power of Intuition
When you have a “gut feeling” about something, do you follow it? Or ignore it?
If you’d like to discover how to amplify the volume of your intuition so that you can make better decisions, that are in perfect alignment with what it is you’d truly love out of life, I have a gift for you today that I think you’ll find truly helpful!
Click here for free access to The Power of Intuition now >>THE POWER OF INTUITION
Inside this brand new FREE guide from my good friend, bestselling author and internationally-acclaimed transformational teacher, Mary Morrissey, you’ll learn 9 proven ways to amplify the power of your intuition…
So that you can make better decisions, and live your life with greater clarity, confidence and ease.
FREE GIFT: Download your copy of The Power of Intuition right here. THE POWER OF INTUITION
About Mary Morrissey®, International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, CEO Consultant, Visionary, Empowerment Specialist
Speaker, best-selling author, and consultant for over three decades, Mary Morrissey’s transformational talks and seminars have made her one of the elite teachers in personal development.
As a sought after expert on the “Spiritual Side of Success”, Mary has spoken three times at the United Nations, facilitated 3 different week-long meetings with His Holiness The Dalai Lama and met with Nelson Mandela in Cape Town, South Africa to address the most significant issues our world is facing.
Mary has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology, and an honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters and is the author of two best-selling books, No Less Than Greatness and Building Your Field of Dreams, which became a PBS special.
Mary Morrissey is the founder and owner of Life Mastery Institute: The Premier Life Coach Certification Company in the world.
As a world-class inspirational speaker, executive coach, and corporate consultant, Mary has 30 years experience of empowering individuals in achieving new heights of spiritual aliveness, wealth, and authentic success.
Among all her achievements and degrees in higher learning, Mary’s favorites are the two black belts she has earned, one in Success and the other in Failure.
What Others Are Saying About Mary’s Work in the World…
“Mary Morrissey stands out in a category all of her own. She has a depth of knowledge that is unparalleled, and she is, without question, one of the best teachers I have ever met in my entire life. This woman has something special!” ~Bob Proctor, star of the hit film, The Secret
“Mary Morrissey has been one of my most important friends and teachers. She has a laser-beam ability to recognize and articulate the emergent possibility in someone’s life, then take their hand and show them how to make it real. To be exposed to her wisdom is to be exposed to a mighty power.” ~Marianne Williamson, #1 bestselling author of A Return to Love
“Mary is one of our most powerful and enlightened teachers. Breathe in her wisdom.” ~Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, #1 bestselling author of Manifest Your Destiny
“Mary has this beautiful program, The DreamBuilder Program, and it’s all about building your greatest life and making it happen in 12 weeks. It’s a 12-week course, holding your hand…. This might actually be the one thing that takes your life to the next level, to the life of your dreams.” ~Sonia Ricotti, #1 bestselling author of Unsinkable: How to Bounce Back Quickly When Life Knocks You Down
“Mary Morrissey altered the path of my life by giving me back to myself, when I couldn’t believe there was anything good about me… She restored me to myself by seeing me as who I really am. If there was a single person that I’ve known personally in my life, in who I would place the highest faith, it would be Mary Morrissey.” ~Neale Donald Walsch, #1 bestselling author of Conversations with God