Les Brown is in the New Movie “Unsinkable: The Secret to Bouncing Back”
UNSINKABLE: The Movie is Available To Watch For Free.
This film has been selected by many film festivals around the world and has been nominated for several awards (including “Best Documentary”). Go here to learn more.
Les Brown is a renowned motivational speaker who is highly sought after for his ability to motivate and inspire. He has studied and mastered the science of achievement over the last three decades, and has interviewed hundreds of successful business leaders. He has translated the theory into bottom-line results for his clients.
Les Brown has used his energy to transform the world, engaging with both traditional and social media to empower his audiences. He has a knack for turning whatever he touches into gold, as evidenced by winning an Emmy for his fundraising pledge drive for the Public Broadcasting System. He has also written several bestselling books and hosted popular national talk shows on television and radio.
From Denmark to Dubai, Canada to the Caribbean, Les Brown is a regular speaker at various events, drawing audiences with his powerful message and ability to connect with people from all walks of life. He not only motivates people to take action, but also provides the knowledge and resources to help them overcome any obstacles and achieve their goals.
The reviews for Unsinkable: The Secret to Bouncing Back. have been incredible!
In fact, it has been selected by many film festivals around the world and was nominated for many awards (including “Best Documentary”)!
Go here to reserve your free ticket now.
If you’re going through a difficult time in your life right now, please watch this film. It will show you exactly HOW to bounce back quickly (and higher than ever), so you can live your greatest life starting right now!
It will shock you, inspire you, and you’ll walk away with a new lease on life!
In fact, you’ll discover how you can be happy right now (even if your life isn’t perfect).
Many of the top bounce back experts, teachers, scientists and leaders have come together to share their life-changing messages to show you exactly HOW to bounce back quickly from difficult times, turn your life around fast and achieve your wildest dreams!
Go here to reserve your free ticket now.
The amazing cast includes:
Sonia Ricotti, “Bounce Back” Expert and Bestselling Author of “Unsinkable”
Bob Proctor, Bestselling Author, Renowned Speaker and Success Coach
Dr. Joe Dispenza, New York Time Bestselling Author and Renowned Brain Researcher
Lisa Nichols, Renowned Motivational Speaker and Bestselling Author of “No Matter What!”
Les Brown, Renowned Motivational Speaker
Marci Shimoff, New York Times Bestselling Author of “Happy for No Reason” and “Love for No Reason”
Barnet Bain, Award Winning Filmmaker and Producer of “What Dreams May Come”
John Assaraf, New York Time Bestselling Author
Jack Canfield, Co-Author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” Series and Success Coach
Shellyann Siddoo, Visually Impaired Artist and Motivational Speaker
John Gray, New York Times Bestselling Author of “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”
Rhonda Britten, Emmy-Award Winner and Bestselling Author of “Fearless Living
They show you exactly HOW to turn your life around quickly and achieve great success in ALL areas of your life (health, wealth, relationships, career, etc.).
So, make sure you make it a priority to watch it ASAP (it’s available for a limited time).
Go here to reserve your free ticket now.
Grab your popcorn, sit back, relax, and enjoy the movie!
What a phenomenal way to start the new year… and beyond!
Live long, love life and be well!
Go here to reserve your free ticket now.