Unlock Your Full Manifestation Power with the Newly Expanded Ignited Self Vision Board Kit

Have you ever created a vision board, only to find that your dreams remained frustratingly out of reach? You’re not alone. Many of us have experienced the disappointment of crafting beautiful vision boards that fail to manifest our deepest desires. But what if I told you there’s a revolutionary new approach that could change everything?

I’m thrilled to announce the launch of Mary Morrissey’s NEWLY EXPANDED Ignited Self Vision Board Kit – a game-changing, FREE resource designed to supercharge your manifestation practice and transform your life.

Traditional vision boards often act as little more than glorified wish lists. Why? Because we create them from a place of lack, unknowingly disconnecting ourselves from the frequency of abundance. This misalignment can severely limit the power of our visualizations.

The Secret Ingredient: Your Ignited Self

The Ignited Self Vision Board Kit takes a radically different approach. Instead of focusing on what you lack, this innovative tool helps you awaken your Ignited Self – the version of you who already embodies your next level of success. By tapping into this powerful inner resource, you can:

1. Rise above feelings of wanting and lack that sabotage your dreams
2. Send powerful signals to the Universe to accelerate your manifestations
3. Elevate your mindset and boost your self-confidence
4. Create lasting happiness by expanding results in every aspect of your life

What’s New in the  Expanded Kit?

They’ve packed this new version with even more resources to fuel your success:

  • NEW inspirational quote cards to keep you motivated
  • NEW pre-selected power words to embody your inner potential
  • NEW carefully-chosen affirmation cards to boost self-confidence
  • Ready-to-use, practical printable graphics and templates

Your Journey to Success Starts Now

The best part? This life-changing tool is completely FREE. We’re so confident in its power to transform lives that we want to get it into as many hands as possible.

Don’t let another day go by feeling disconnected from your dreams. Grab your FREE Ignited Self Vision Board Kit today and start attracting the wealth, love, satisfying work, vibrant health, and freedom you deserve.

Ready to ignite your full manifestation power?

Click here to get your FREE Vision Board Kit now!

Remember, your Ignited Self is waiting. It’s time to awaken your true potential and create the life you’ve always dreamed of. Let’s make it happen together!

Live long, love life and be well.


About Mary Morrissey Mary

Mary is widely known as the world’s leading authority on the invisible side of success. She has invested the last 50+ years coaching and mentoring tens of thousands of people from all walks of life and from all over the world.

She’s the author of three best-selling books: No Less Than Greatness, Building Your Field of Dreams, (which became a PBS special), and Brave Thinking: The Art & Science of Building A Life You Love.

Her experience has afforded her the opportunities to collaborate, or have audiences with, some of the world’s most influential and respected leaders, including His Holiness The Dalai Lama and the late Nelson Mandela.

Mary holds a bachelor’s degree in Education, a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and an honorary doctorate in Humane Letters. And she’s built three different eight-figure businesses from the ground up.