Empathic Superpowers with Dr. Natasha Fallahi

Like the mythic Hero’s Journey, the Healer’s Journey can be summarized in three acts: departure from the familiar, initiation into the unknown, and the return home… forever changed by the challenges overcome and the rewards gained.

Pain, anxiety, and chronic “mystery” conditions are often wake-up calls to higher healing and purpose on this journey — especially when the healer is an empath.

As an empath or sensitive person, venturing into the unknown means facing the countless triggers that impact your wellbeing on a daily basis…  triggers that deplete your energy and impede your ability to fully embrace and unleash your inherent empathic gifts to heal yourself and others.

As functional medicine practitioner Dr. Natasha Fallahi teaches, the initiation into the unknown on the Healer’s Journey is the reintroduction to your own wholeness.

It’s only when you see and connect with all parts of yourself holistically that you’re able to balance your health and empathic superpowers as a whole and healed person.

On Thursday, May 12, 2022 you’ll discover how understanding and taking charge of your sensitivities — mental, emotional, physical, chemical, social, and energetic — can illuminate your Healer’s Journey and nourish your wellbeing and gifts as an empath or sensitive person. 

You can register here for Claim Your Empathic Superpowers: Become the Hero of Your Own Health Journey by Turning Your Sensitivity Into Your Greatest Strength.

In this health-empowering event, you’ll explore:

  • The 6 Sensitivity Types to shift from viewing your sensitivity as a symptom to embracing it as a superpower — tuning in to the challenges and gifts of being a sensitive person
  • Yourself as the hero of your healing journey — catalyzing the power and agency of your sensitivity through an integrated, tailor-made healing experience 
  • Your “Life in Cups” — a demonstration on how your sensitivity type is different from others and where you can lean on your strengths and improve your weaknesses under stress
  • The true purpose of pain in your life — and how approaching your health through the 6 Sensitivity Types can assist you in transmuting struggle into strength
  • A guided practice called “Use Your Head” to alleviate headaches, pain, and brain fog, release tension, and increase blood flow to your head and brain

Go here to learn more.

As you explore your sensitivities with Natasha, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how to embody your gifts and balance the sensitivity experiences you’re having…

… at which point you can consciously participate in your own wellbeing, and confidently face any and all sensitivities and life challenges that come your way.

You can RSVP for free here.

Live long, love life and be well!


P.S. In Claim Your Empathic Superpowers: Become the Hero of Your Own Health Journey by Turning Your Sensitivity Into Your Greatest Strength with Dr. Natasha Fallahi you’ll liberate your empathic gifts as the superpowers they are, using a science-based approach to healing that reveals and empowers your sensitivities in a holistic, life-affirming way.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

About Dr. Natasha Fallahi

Dr. is known as The Sensitive Doctor. She is a mind-body health expert, functional medicine practitioner, energy therapist, certified autoimmune coach, and multimedia artist with an intuitive approach to living and healing. As founder of Club Sensitive, she brings together sensitive people who are experiencing anxiety, depression, and overwhelm, coaching them to connect with their intuition, develop holistic rituals, overcome trauma, and meet kindred spirits. They share stories and best practices using mind-body techniques such as energy medicine and healing foods so that they can harness their own magic, tap into their superpowers, experience true wellness, build lasting relationships, and finally feel at home in this world.

Like many of the people she provides care for, Natasha herself struggled for many years with unexplainable health issues. After transforming her own health with mind-body medicine, she dedicated her life and career to helping people suffering from mystery symptoms and chronic illness. She’s passionate about guiding others to achieve their highest potential – physically, emotionally, and energetically. Her approach is especially effective for people experiencing depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, vague pain, brain fog, food intolerance, chemical sensitivities, Hashimoto’s, and autoimmunity.

In addition to earning her doctorate in chiropractic, Natasha holds advanced training in functional medicine, functional immunology, functional neurology, energy psychology, homeopathy, nutrition, and somatic bodywork. And, with her background in multimedia studies, art, and design, she brings a creative flair to everything she does.