Harness Feminine Archetypes to Transform Your Biofield, Nervous System and Life

Recent scientific studies affirm what the ancient yogis have known for ages — that sacred phrases known as mantras hold remarkable power to heal, uplift, and enlighten us.

The ancient science of mantras uses sound to establish a profound connection between your biofield with elemental and planetary energies — air, fire, earth, water, space, solar, and lunar — harnessing feminine archetypes to transform your biofield, nervous system, and life.

When used with intention and care, the right mantras can help you strengthen your spiritual connection, release anxiety, focus your mind, and more…

Mantras can also connect us with specific goddesses — archetypal forces that can help us access the power to effect positive change in our bodies and our lives…

Each of these ancient goddesses are faces of the Divine, with specific healing abilities and qualities.

Every goddess is connected to a predominant energy that you can bring into your body through the biofield — to help you clear blocks within yourself so you can co-create with spiritual force, and bring in the changes you wish to see in yourself and the world.

Discover more about this powerful proess when you join Dr. Shamini Jain, psychologist, scientist, and social entrepreneur, on Thursday, August 10, for Mantras of the Divine Feminine for Healing & Liberation: Give Voice to Goddesses Kali & Tripura Sundari to Clear Karma & Bring in Bliss.

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Become empowered to use your voice for inner healing
  • Understand how the ancient science of mantras connects your biofield with elemental and planetary energies (air, fire, earth, water, space, solar, and lunar)
  • Identify where elemental energies show up sonically in your life through music and other environmental sounds (nature) — and discern how you feel as you bring those sounds into your body
  • Explore how the power of Tripura Sundari — the Goddess who connects you with the grace, flow, and bliss of the Divine Feminine — can help you reclaim your natural bliss State
  • Receive a Kali mantra to clear disease patterns in your biofield
  • Receive a Tripura Sundari mantra that helps open your crown to allow divine healing energy to pour into every cell

You’ll discover how two goddesses can help you access your own Divine Feminine energy, clear stuck energies that need to be released, and fill you up with co-creative bliss and a deep inner knowing that all is well… ensuring that you’re aligned with spiritual power to manifest beauty, peace, and truth in the world.

You can RSVP for free here.

Live long, love life and be well.


P.S. In Mantras of the Divine Feminine for Healing & Liberation: Give Voice to Goddesses Kali & Tripura Sundari to Clear Karma & Bring in Bliss with Dr. Shamini Jain  you’ll experience the ancient science of chanting mantras, a sacred practice to realign your nervous system, strengthen your spiritual connection, slow down cell aging, release anxiety, and sharpen your focus.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

About Dr. Shamini Jain

Dr. Shamini Jain is a scientist, singer, social profit leader, and transformational teacher. She is founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), a nonprofit collaborative accelerator that connects scientists, health practitioners, educators, and artists to help lead humanity to heal ourselves.

CHI was formed through Shamini’s deep desire to bring key stakeholders together to create a coherent and effective movement to move us beyond models of “disease thinking,” and into the age of whole-person healing and personal and societal empowerment.

Shamini is a student of Reverend Rosalyn Bruyere in the healing arts, and a student of the Divine Feminine. Her award-winning book, Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health, has been hailed as a breakthrough book in healing by leaders in the field, including Deepak Chopra, Cyndi Dale, Donna Eden, Eileen McKusick, and many more.

A seasoned singer with experience in performance genres from bel canto and musical theater to classic rock, folk, and heavy metal, Shamini’s debut album, “Kaliyuga Blues,” will be released in late 2023. Shamini integrates her background in vocal performance, clinical psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, and biofield and spiritual healing to teach people how they can best heal themselves and live with joy and spiritual alignment.

Shamini, a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, teaches regularly at leading retreat centers, including Esalen, Sivananda Ashram, Omega, and more. Her research has been featured in TIME, US News and World Report, and on CNN, Good Day LA, and more.

She shares research on the science and practice of healing in diverse venues, including TEDx, major universities and medical centers, health-related conferences, and corporations. She also serves as a board member and scientific advisor for several nonprofit and social benefit companies.