FREE REPORT ‘Coaching Women: The Rapid Results Breakthrough Formula’

FREE REPORT ‘Coaching Women: The Rapid Results Breakthrough Formula’

Did you know 70% of clients in the coaching and life-long learning industry are WOMEN?

Did you also know that women have a unique set of hidden barriers that are preventing them from getting life-changing results in their work with you as a coach/practitioner?

Imagine if you had a specific, proven formula to get breakthrough results with women that would unleash exponential growth as well as set you apart in the marketplace…

Would your confidence skyrocket? Not to mention your ability to charge more and increase your referrals….

I’m excited to share this brand-new free report on Coaching Women: The Rapid Results Breakthrough Formula, written by the brilliant Dr. Claire Zammit, who is the world’s leading expert on empowering women.

Get the special report here at no charge: Coaching Women: The Rapid Results Breakthrough Formula

 Discover Why Most Breakthroughs Don’t Last and the Surprisingly Easy Shift in Your Approach That Will Create Deep, Irreversible Change and Rapid Results For Your Female Clients (AND a Thriving, Profitable Coaching Practice for YOU!)

Claire has not only coached over 60,000 women over the past two decades, but her work has also reached millions of people and generated close to 100 million dollars in the field of transformational education.

Her unique and proprietary methodology has identified the root causes of women’s hidden patterns of self-sabotage: 21 limiting beliefs and corresponding patterns of behavior that (in varied combinations) hold women back from achieving what they truly want…

And she’s honed a process to make those beliefs clear and visible to clients, shifting their “self-concept” and setting off an irreversible transformation that propels them to remarkable success.

Claire’s trained coaches who use this process often hear from their clients that they achieve a year’s worth of growth in a single session.

Download the free special report and discover Claire’s profoundly empowering coaching process.

When you learn how to create rapid results for your female clients, you can:

  • Work with more of your dream clients
  • Charge more for your time – confident that you’re providing life-changing value
  • Be so in demand that you have a waitlist and a steady stream of referrals from happy clients
  • Expend less effort (and time) for bigger returns
  • Shift from “meandering clients” to “on purpose” clients who LOVE working with you
  • And finally stop struggling with coaching clients who are flailing – because you know EXACTLY how to help them break through core challenges, stress-free

And the best part is, when you apply this formula, your level of satisfaction and happiness in your coaching will increase – because instead of spinning your wheels, you’ll be leading your clients into the fast lane of their own transformation and empowerment.

Download ‘Coaching Women: The Rapid Results Breakthrough Formula’ Today To making your highest impact,

Live long, love life and be well.


P.S. Coaches trained by Claire who use this process often hear from their clients that they achieve a year’s worth of growth in a single session.

Imagine witnessing the kind of breakthroughs that liberate client after client from inner limitations—and the positive downstream effects this will have on the wider world.

Read Claire’s Special Report on Coaching Women: The Rapid Results Breakthrough Formula

More About Claire Zammit

There are few women alive today who have done more to empower conscious women to actualize their potential than Dr. Claire Zammit, founder of the Institute for Woman Centered Coaching, Training and Leadership.

Her groundbreaking doctoral research on the underlying obstacles blocking intelligent, conscious women from stepping into their greatness has been praised as a seminal contribution to the advancement of women in this century.

Her organization was ranked #83 on the Inc. 500 list of America’s fastest-growing private companies, and since its inception it has generated nearly $100 Million in revenue and reached millions of people from more than 180 countries.

This brand-new eBook details the paradigm-shifting approach developed by Dr. Claire Zammit in her extensive research and work with over 60,000 women.