Download the Feminine Power Guided Manifesting Meditations (MP3)


Registration is open for the Unlock Your Feminine Power SEMINAR. It’s FREE to attend. Go here to register.

If you’re wanting to manifest your deepest desires in the areas of love, life purpose, career, health, prosperity, and self-care …

Then I’d like to share a free, research-based audio download created specifically for smart, conscious, talented women to manifest up to 10x faster!

It’s the Feminine Power Guided Manifesting Meditations from our friend, Claire Zammit, Ph.D.  Go HERE to download it.

In these meditations, you’ll identify the area of your life most “in-season” to create in, and you’ll be guided to activate the magnetic power of your potentials!

Receive your FREE meditations and manifest your deeper desires up to 10x faster right here

To your highest potentials,


P.S. Hundreds of thousands of women have already gone through this deep process and reported numerous life-breakthroughs in every area of life.

“My depression is gone!”
—Heather, California

I’m engaged to a passionate man who is my true match in every sense!”
—Elham, Switzerland

“I won a huge photography job that paid $30,000 for a week of shooting!”
—Rose, California

Get Your Guided Manifesting Meditation MP3 Here!

More About Claire Zammit

Dr. Claire Zammit Ph.D., is an expert transformational teacher, leader, mentor and successful conscious entrepreneur. Her mission is to empower women to fully express their gifts and talents by sharing the Feminine Power teachings that she created and that she credits as the source of her own fulfillment, success and impact.

She is the founder of the Feminine Power Global Community, which offers online trainings, advanced courses and coaching, facilitation and leadership certifications that serve hundreds of thousands of women from more than 100 countries across Asia, Europe, South America and the US. The women in this community are coaches, mothers, artists, leaders, teachers, authors, engineers, therapists, doctors, lawyers, judges, performers, scientists, entrepreneurs, producers and more.

Claire is also the co-founder and president of Evolving Wisdom, which was recognized by Inc. Magazine as #83 on the list of Top 500 fastest-growing companies in America. Faculty and guest faculty include renowned transformational teachers Neale Donald Walsch, Dr. Jean Houston, Dr. John Gray, Eckhart Tolle, and Marianne Williamson.

Since 2009, Claire’s work with Feminine Power and Evolving Wisdom has reached more than 1 million people. In addition to her teaching work in the Feminine Power courses, Claire has shared the stage with such luminaries as Elizabeth Gilbert, Brené Brown, Eve Ensler, Alanis Morissette, Marianne Williamson, Marci Shimoff, Neale Donald Walsch, Gabrielle Bernstein and Lisa Nichols.

In 2014, Claire received the Just Like My Child Foundation’s Women’s Leadership Award in recognition of her contributions to funding The Girl Power Project that’s now set to impact over 1 million girls with leadership and self-esteem trainings in the developing world.

Claire is an active member of Jack Canfield’s prestigious Transformational Leadership Council and was the recipient of its achievement award, and she is also a participant in the Evolutionary Leaders Forum.

In 2017 Claire was awarded her Transformative Learning & Change from the California Institute of Integral Studies after completing her decade long dissertation research project on women, power & self-actualization.