Unlock Your Feminine Power” Webinar FINAL ENCORE with FAQs: Thursday, July 19th at 5:30pm PST


Registration is open for the Unlock Your Feminine Power SEMINAR. It’s FREE to attend. Go here to register.

The “Unlock Your Feminine Power” Webinar FINAL ENCORE with LIVE Q&A Airs Tues, July 19th at 5:30pm PST

According to the groundbreaking research our good friend Dr. Claire Zammit has conducted over the past decade, there’s a surprising reason why millions of smart, conscious, talented women may be held back from stepping forward into their greatness.

It has to do with the masculine system of power we’ve all been steeped in—without even realizing it…

And in working with over 500,000 women Claire, who is one of the world’s foremost authorities on igniting women’s power and potential, has discovered that there’s one simple but powerful shift you can make that will exponentially expand your ability to step into your destiny.

I’m excited to announce that she’s offering a FREE Global Online Seminar where she’s going to guide you through this exact process, step by step!

Sign Up Now for FREE: Unlock Your Feminine Power

The last time Claire offered this seminar LIVE was more than 3 years ago when over 50,000 women signed up, and she’s not sure if or when she’ll offer it again.

Women rave about the impact that unlocking Feminine Power has had on their relationships, career, calling, and more:

“Feminine Power did for me what a decade of schooling, therapy and personal development could not. My depression is gone!”
Heather, California

“As a result of Feminine Power, I finished a book, got it published, and started promoting it!”
Patricia, Texas

“Feminine Power brought passion and deeper connection to my marriage, and it has become the intimate, close friendship I dreamed of.”

—Meryl, California

“I am attracting men of good character—I’m being asked out, sometimes multiple times a day.”
Heather, Canada

“I have been able to buy a beautiful house that I share with my fiancé, who is an amazing man, a true feminist, and supportive of everything I do.”

—Rachel, New Zealand

“I went back to the photography career I had always aspired to—and won a huge job that paid $30,000 for a week of shooting!”

—Rose, California

“As a result of unlocking my Feminine Power, I’ve lost 83 pounds of excess weight!”

—Aud, Illinois

“Now I am an entrepreneur, a businesswoman. Now I understand that expression, ‘beyond my wildest dreams.’ I couldn’t have imagined the woman I am today!”

—Carolina, Colombia

Sign Up Now for FREE: Unlock Your Feminine Power

When you shift into creating with your Feminine Power, you’ll gain access to the kind of power that will support you to…
Liberate yourself from self-doubt and insecurity, become authentically confident and visible, and be recognized and rewarded for your contributions

  • Attract a true equal—or transform your present relationship to become the intimate, loving relationship you yearn for
  • Make the shift from simply surviving to thriving financially
  • Discover your true “genius” so that you can create a business or career that will allow you to share your gifts in your “sweet spot” and fulfill your life’s purpose and calling
  • Be supported, loved and valued by all the people close to you, so you can become the best version of yourself
  • Release blocks that may be contributing to chronic health challenges such as depression, anxiety, fatigue or weight issues allowing you to move forward with limitless energy and wellbeing
  • Feel like you are finally LIVING your destiny as the woman you were born to become…And so much more!

And while these may sound like amazing RESULTS, they are the kinds of REAL changes that tens of thousands of women have reported they’ve been able to achieve directly as a result of applying Claire’s research-based approach.

Imagine what you can transform or create when you unlock your Feminine Power!


In this 75-Minute Seminar, you’ll discover…

  • The biggest mistake many women are making that limits their power to manifest their destiny, and how to free yourself from it
  • How to unlock the revolutionary Feminine Power system and step forward to expand your ability to create the larger life that’s calling you
  • Why goal setting and even vision boards don’t work at the level of destiny—and what does
  • The 8 Key areas of “Feminine Self-Actualization,” and how to discover what is most “in season” to manifest (when you focus on this area it can be 10 times easier to get results)
  • How to identify and release what is the #1 inner barrier for most women when it comes to manifesting their desires and vision so you can step forward into your greatness
  • How to activate your “Inner GPS” so that you can expand your power to manifest your vision in a field of synchronicity, flow and connection to a higher power
  • How to break free from the root cause of feelings of isolation and loneliness for many women and instead magnetize to you the support, resources and opportunities that you need to be able to thrive
  • The power that opens up for you when you’re connected to and supported by a global tribe of brilliant women

Unlock Your Feminine Power – Click Here to Register for FREE to Attend the Seminar Here

I’ve been impressed by Claire’s work for a long time, and I’m not alone. Here’s what some of the great leaders and luminaries of our time are saying about her:

“Claire Zammit is a woman I myself turn to for wisdom and counsel.”

Marianne Williamson, #1 New York Times bestselling author

“Claire’s work empowering women is masterful and her training offers the key at this critical time in human history.”

Dr. Jean Houston, co-founder of the human potential movement

“What my friend Claire skillfully teaches and transmits will catalyze a cultural shift of literally cosmic proportions.”

—Michael Beckwith, author of Spiritual Liberation and star of The Secret

Attend the ‘Unlock Your Feminine Power’ FREE Online Event Click HERE to register

Don’t settle for only living a fraction of your potential—the possibilities you feel for your gifts, purpose, prosperity, relationships, health, creativity impact and contribution are REAL.

The world needs your brilliance, gifts and talents—all you have to offer—it’s your time to RISE and SHINE!

Tens of thousands of women have unlocked their Feminine Power, and as a result have manifested an outer life that reflects the inner possibilities they’ve felt… and I invite you to join them.

Click Here To Join Claire and a Global Tribe of Brilliant, Conscious Women to Unlock Your Feminine Power

To your destiny,


P.S. Don’t miss this seminar! Remember, the last time Claire offered this training LIVE was over 3 years ago—and she’s not sure if or when she’ll be offering it again.

I encourage you to forward this FREE invitation to the women in your life you feel could benefit from it.

And make sure you sign up even if you can’t attend the LIVE event as Claire will gladly send you the recording afterwards if you do.

Attend Claire’s LIVE ‘Unlock Your Feminine Power’ Global Gathering for Conscious, Brilliant Women

More About Claire Zammit

Dr. Claire Zammit Ph.D., is an expert transformational teacher, leader, mentor and successful conscious entrepreneur. Her mission is to empower women to fully express their gifts and talents by sharing the Feminine Power teachings that she created and that she credits as the source of her own fulfillment, success and impact.

She is the founder of the Feminine Power Global Community, which offers online trainings, advanced courses and coaching, facilitation and leadership certifications that serve hundreds of thousands of women from more than 100 countries across Asia, Europe, South America and the US. The women in this community are coaches, mothers, artists, leaders, teachers, authors, engineers, therapists, doctors, lawyers, judges, performers, scientists, entrepreneurs, producers and more.

Claire is also the co-founder and president of Evolving Wisdom, which was recognized by Inc. Magazine as #83 on the list of Top 500 fastest-growing companies in America. Faculty and guest faculty include renowned transformational teachers Neale Donald Walsch, Dr. Jean Houston, Dr. John Gray, Eckhart Tolle, and Marianne Williamson.

Since 2009, Claire’s work with Feminine Power and Evolving Wisdom has reached more than 1 million people. In addition to her teaching work in the Feminine Power courses, Claire has shared the stage with such luminaries as Elizabeth Gilbert, Brené Brown, Eve Ensler, Alanis Morissette, Marianne Williamson, Marci Shimoff, Neale Donald Walsch, Gabrielle Bernstein and Lisa Nichols.

In 2014, Claire received the Just Like My Child Foundation’s Women’s Leadership Award in recognition of her contributions to funding The Girl Power Project that’s now set to impact over 1 million girls with leadership and self-esteem trainings in the developing world.

Claire is an active member of Jack Canfield’s prestigious Transformational Leadership Council and was the recipient of its achievement award, and she is also a participant in the Evolutionary Leaders Forum.

In 2017 Claire was awarded her Ph.D.in Transformative Learning & Change from the California Institute of Integral Studies after completing her decade long dissertation research project on women, power & self-actualization.