Tap Into Your Greatest Feminine Gifts


Registration is open for the Unlock Your Feminine Power SEMINAR. It’s FREE to attend. Go here to register.

Millions of women are feeling the impulse to unlock their creativity, vision and voice. Women are awakening to a new stage of evolution, self-actualization, where they want to become the most fully realized version of themselves, give their gifts to others, and meaningfully participate in shaping the future of the world.

In working with over 500,000 women from over 100 countries transformational teacher, leader, mentor and successful conscious entrepreneur Claire Zammit has discovered that awakening the “Three Power Centers” of Feminine Power is the key to success in the areas that women are feeling the impulse to change … such as life-purpose, confidence, prosperity, career, creativity, health, and impact, influence and  many more.

You see, for the past 50-some years, women have been mastering a logical, linear, masculine power system that has allowed them to create things at an unprecedented rate.

But as useful as that power system is, it can’t create the things women’s hearts and souls are aching for, such as the potential to…

● Become authentic confident, visible and seen
● Create Intimate, loving growth oriented partnerships
● Discover your gifts and greatness
● Expand your prosperity in ways that are aligned with your values
● Connect with your inner compass and access your intuition
● Unlock your creativity
● Impact the world with your gifts

All of these potentials require Feminine Power to bring them forth.

For that reason, I’m excited to announce that Claire is going to be holding her popular and impactful free online event that women around the world have been raving about:

Attend ‘The Keys To Feminine Power: Unlock Your Three Power Centers’ and Discover Your True Power. Go Here: THE KEYS TO FEMININE POWER

Women who’ve attended this seminar have reported incredible improvements in their confidence, relationships, health, connection to their gifts, creativity, self-expression, prosperity, and overall happiness.

Here are a few inspiring stories that show what’s possible for you when you attend this online event:

“Since attending ‘The Keys To Feminine Power,’ I hardly recognize my life. I am the healthiest I’ve ever been and feel truly beautiful, inside and out. And to top it all off, I’m engaged to a passionate man who is my true match in every sense!”
—Elham S., Geneva, Switzerland

“I had already been running my own business for three years, but I was playing small. I’ve literally gone from working on a few homes locally to working on multi-million dollar interiors all over the country, and I’m planning on working internationally soon!”
—Jennifer M., Los Angeles, California

“In spite of numerous trainings, professional certifications and lots of education, I was unable to put a voice to who I am and what I do. After attending ‘The Keys To Feminine Power,’ I finally got the inspiration to complete my website. After being stalled on it for two years, I completed it in two six-hour sessions. The words just poured easily out of me, and it felt just right!”
—Deirdre C., Woodside, New York

Attend This Life-Changing Event for Free THE KEYS TO FEMININE POWER

During the seminar, you’ll discover…

● What Feminine Power is and why you MUST unlock it to create the life you were born to live
● Claire’s journey to unlocking Feminine Power and how she used it to create the relationship, career, impact and larger creative contribution she’d always yearned for (and how you can, too!)
● How to unlock the Three Power Centers of Feminine Power and step into a vision for your future that inspires you
● How to identify and shift the #1 inner barrier that has held you back from the success and impact you KNOW you can have
● How to connect instantly to your intuition to access the inner-knowing and guidance you need to help you navigate your true destiny path
● The power that opens up to you when you’re supported by a global tribe of women

Here’s The Link Attend Claire’s Event at No Charge and Start Accessing Your Feminine Power Now: THE KEYS TO FEMININE POWER

To your life of new possibility ahead,

NOTE:  Even if you aren’t able to attend on the day of the event, as long as you sign up, Claire will gladly send you the recording after the event is over!

Discover ‘The Keys To Feminine Power’ at No Charge and See How it Changes Your Life: THE KEYS TO FEMININE POWER

About Claire Zammit

Dr. Claire Zammit Ph.D., is an expert transformational teacher, leader, mentor and successful conscious entrepreneur. Her mission is to empower women to fully express their gifts and talents by sharing the Feminine Power teachings that she created and that she credits as the source of her own fulfillment, success and impact.

She is the founder of the Feminine Power Global Community, which offers online trainings, advanced courses and coaching, facilitation and leadership certifications that serve hundreds of thousands of women from more than 100 countries across Asia, Europe, South America and the US. The women in this community are coaches, mothers, artists, leaders, teachers, authors, engineers, therapists, doctors, lawyers, judges, performers, scientists, entrepreneurs, producers and more.

Claire is also the co-founder and president of Evolving Wisdom, which was recognized by Inc. Magazine as #83 on the list of Top 500 fastest-growing companies in America. Faculty and guest faculty include renowned transformational teachers Neale Donald Walsch, Dr. Jean Houston, Dr. John Gray, Eckhart Tolle, and Marianne Williamson.

Since 2009, Claire’s work with Feminine Power and Evolving Wisdom has reached more than 1 million people. In addition to her teaching work in the Feminine Power courses, Claire has shared the stage with such luminaries as Elizabeth Gilbert, Brené Brown, Eve Ensler, Alanis Morissette, Marianne Williamson, Marci Shimoff, Neale Donald Walsch, Gabrielle Bernstein and Lisa Nichols.

In 2014, Claire received the Just Like My Child Foundation’s Women’s Leadership Award in recognition of her contributions to funding The Girl Power Project that’s now set to impact over 1 million girls with leadership and self-esteem trainings in the developing world.

Claire is an active member of Jack Canfield’s prestigious Transformational Leadership Council and was the recipient of its achievement award, and she is also a participant in the Evolutionary Leaders Forum.

In 2017 Claire was awarded her Ph.D.in Transformative Learning & Change from the California Institute of Integral Studies after completing her decade long dissertation research project on women, power & self-actualization.